Andrea Marescotti |
Documents |
4) geographical indications |
Starting with GIs - Normative frameworks and policies
The economics of GIs - Theory
Specific issues - GI, Biodiversity, and environment
Case studies
Update: 4th January 2023
Moc Chau, Vietnam 2023 |
a) International WTO - Geographical Indications European Union - E-AMBROSIA PDO and PGI DATABASE
b) ITALY Mipaaf - product specifications and control plans of all PDO-PGI in Italy DOP-IGP: La qualità dei territori
Starting with Geographical Indications
Arfini F., Belletti G., Marescotti A. (2010), "Prodotti tipici e denominazioni geografiche. Strumenti di tutela e valorizzazione", Gruppo 2013, Quaderni. Edizioni Tellus, Roma ARSIA (2006), “Guida per la valorizzazione delle produzioni agroalimentare tipiche. Concetti, metodi, strumenti”, Firenze. Traduzione inglese: ARSIA (2010), "Guide to the Valorisation of Typical Agri-food Products. Concepts, Methods and Tools", Firenze Bagal M., Vittori M. (2011), "Practical Manual on Geographical Indications for ACP Countries", CTA and oriGIn Barham E., Sylvander B. (Eds.) (2011), "Labels of origin for food. Local development, global recognition", CABI International, Cambridge (USA) Barjolle D., Vandecandelaere E. (2012), "Identification of origin-linked products and their potential for development. A methodology for participatory inventories", FAO, Roma Damary P., Bernardoni P., Couillerot C., Perret A., Gerz A., Vincent M., Sarang (2017), "Linking people for quality products. Sustainable interprofessional bodies for geographical indications and origin-linked products”, FAO-REDD, Rome Giovannucci D. Josling T., Kerr W., O'Connor B., Yeung M.T. (2009), "Guide to Geographical Indications. Linking products and their origin", International Trade Centre, Geneve Higgins D.M. (2018), "Brands, geographical origin, and the Global Economy. A history from the Ninetennth Century to the Present", Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK UNIDO (2010), "Adding value to traditional products of regional origin. A guide to creating a quality consortium", Vienna Vandecandelaere E., Arfini F., Belletti G., Marescotti A. (a cura di) (2009), “Linking people, places and products. A guide for promoting quality linked to geographical origin and sustainable geographical indications", FAO-SINERGI, Rome
Normative frameworks and policies Allaire G., Sylvander B., Belletti G., Marescotti A., Barjolle F., Thévenod-Mottet E., Tregear A. (2005), “Les dispositifs français et européens de protection de la qualité et de l’origine dans le contexte de l’OMC : justifications générales et contextes nationaux”, Symposium international à Lyon du 9 au 11 mars 2005 "Territoires et enjeux du développement régional" Bowen S. (2010), “Development from Within? The Potential for Geographical Indications in the Global South”, The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 13(2), March, pp.231-252 Higgins D.M. (2018), "Brands, geographical origin, and the Global Economy. A history from the Ninetennth Century to the Present", Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK Ilbert H., Petit M. (2009), "Are Geographical Indications a Valid Property Right? Global Trends and Challenges", Development Policy Review, 27(5), pp.503-528 Tip-428 Kireeva I., O'Connor B. (2010), “Geographical Indications and the TRIPS Agreement: What Protection is Provided to Geographical Indications in WTO Members?”, The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 13(2), March, pp.275-303 Josling T. (2006), “The War on Terroir: Geographical Indications as a Transatlantic Trade Conflit”, paper presented as the Presidential Address to the AES Annual Meeting in Paris, march 30th Marie-Vivien Delphine, Biénabe E. (2017), "The Multifaceted Role of the State in the Protection of Geographical Indications: A Worldwide Review", World Development, 28, October, pp.1-11 Rangnekar D. (2010), “The Law and Economics of Geographical Indications: Introduction to Special Issue of The Journal of World Intellectual Property”, The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 13(2), March, pp.77-80 Raustiala K., Munzer S.R. (2007), "The Global Struggle over Geographic Indications", The European Journal of International Law, 18(2), pp.337−365 Sylvander B., Allaire G., Belletti G., Marescotti A., Barjolle D., Thévenod-Mottet E., Tregear A. (2005), "Les dispositifs français et européens de protection de la qualité et de l’origine dans le contexte de l’OMC : justifications générales et contextes nationaux", Symposium international "Territoires et enjeux du développement régional", Lyon, 9-11 mars Thévenod-Mottet E., Marie-Vivien D. (2011), "Legal debates surrounding geographical indications", in: Barham E., Sylvander B. (Eds.), "Labels of origin for food. Local development, global recognition", CABI International, Cambridge (USA), pp.13-28 UNDP (2007), "Geographical Indications as trade-related intellectual property", Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Initiative, UNDP Regional Centre in Colombo, Discussion paper, january Voyce M. (2004), "The Empire strikes back": Australian trade with the European Union and the Conflict Over Geographical Indications", Rivista di Diritto Agroalimentare e dell'Ambiente, n.1, pp.83-102
The economics of GIs
Anania G., Nisticò R. (2004), "Public regulation as a substitute for trust in quality food markets. What if the trust substitute cannot be fully trusted?", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 160(4), december Barham E. (2002), "Towards a theory of values-based labeling", Agriculture and Human Values, n.19, pp.349–360 Barham E. (2003), "Translating terroir: the global challenge of French AOC labeling", Journal of Rural Studies, n.19, pp.127-138 Barrère C. (2007), "The genesis, evolution and crisis of an institution: the Protected Designation of Origin in wine markets", Journal of Institutional Economics, 3(2), pp.165–181 Belletti G. (2000), "Origin labelled products, reputation, and etherogeneity of firms", in: Sylvander B., Barjolle D., Arfini F. (Eds), "The socio-economics of Origin Labelled Products in Agri-Food Supply Chains: Spatial, Institutional and Co-ordination Aspects", INRA Actes et Communications, n.17-1, pp.239-260 Belletti G., Marescotti A., Touzard J.M. (2017), "Geographical Indications, Public Goods and Sustainable Development: The roles of actors' strategies and public policies", World Development, Vol.98, pp.45-57 Boisard P., Letablier M.T. (1987), "Le camembert: normand ou normé. Deux modèles de production dans l'industrie fromagère", Entreprises et produits, Cahier du Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi, n.30, pp.1-29 Carbone A. (1997), "Differenziazione di un prodotto protetto da denominazione di origine: il caso del Chianti Classico", Rivista di Politica Agraria, XV, 2, aprile, pp.21-36 Chazoule C., Lambert R. (2007), "L’émergence des appellations d’origine au Québec. Naissance d’une nouvelle convention de qualité", Economie Rurale, 299, mai-juin, pp.24-40 Fournier S., Biénabe E., Marie-Vivien D., Durand C., Sautier D., Cerdan C. (2018), "Les indications géographiques au regard de la théorie des communs", Revue Internationale des études du développement, n.1, pp.139-162 Giovannetti E. (1988), "Difesa dei sistemi regionali ed evoluzione delle forme concorrenziali o rendita di monopolio? I prodotti di denominazione di origine controllata", La Questione Agraria, 30 pp.123-150 Lassaut B., Sylvander B. (1998), "Producer-consumer relationships in typical products supply chains: where are the theoretical differences with standard products?", in: Arfini F., Mora C. (Eds), "Typical and traditional products: rural effect and agro-industrial problems", 52nd EAAE Seminar, Università di Parma, Facoltà di Economia pp.239-256 Letablier M.T., Delfosse C. (1995), "Genèse d'une convention de qualitè. Cas des appellations d'origine fromagères", in: Allaire G., Boyer R. (Eds.), "La grande transformation de l'agriculture. Lectures conventionnalistes et régulationnistes" INRA, Paris pp.97-118 Marescotti A. (2002), "Prodotti tipici e sviluppo rurale alla luce della teoria economica delle convenzioni", in: Basile E., Romano D. (a cura di), "Sviluppo rurale: società, territorio, impresa", Franco Angeli, Milano, pp.308-331 Marette S., Crespi J.M., Schiavina A. (1999), "The role of common labelling in a context of asymmetric information", European Review of Agricultural Economics, 26(2), pp.167-178 Moschini G., Menapace L., Pick D. (2008) "Geographical Indications and the Competitive Provision of Quality in Agricultural Markets", American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 90(3), pp. 794-812 Niederle P.A., Gelain J. (2013), "Geographical indications in Brazilian food markets: quality conventions, institutionalization, and path dependence", Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 28(1), pp. 26–53 Pacciani A., Belletti G., Marescotti A., Scaramuzzi S. (2001), “Sistemi produttivi locali e risorse organizzative nella costruzione della tipicità dei prodotti agricoli”, in: Fanfani R., Montresor E., Pecci F. (a cura di), “Il settore agroalimentare italiano e l'integrazione europea”, Franco Angeli, Milano Pecqueur B. (2001), "Qualité et développement territorial: l'hypothèse du panier de biens et de services territorialisés", Economie Rurale, n.261, janvier-février, pp.37-50 Penker M., Klemen F. (2010), "Transaction costs and transaction benefits associated with the process of PGI/PDO registration in Austria", International EAAE-SYAL Seminar – Spatial Dynamics in Agri-food Systems,-Parme Perali F., Zago A. (1999), "Local Markets and the Revelation of Quality", Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Università di Verona, december Perretti B. (1990), "Le politiche di denominazione di origine nel mercato del vino: un'analisi economica", Atti dell'Accademia Italiana della Vite e del Vino, vol.1990 pp.477-487 Raynaud E., Sauvée L., Valceschini E. (2005), “Alignment between quality enforcement devices and governance structures in the agro-food vertical chains”, Journal of Management and Governance, 9(1), pp.47-77 Romano D., Rocchi B. (A cura di), “Tipicamente buono. Prodotti tipici, percezioni di qualità lungo la filiera e possibilità di sviluppo del mercato”, Franco Angeli, Milano Rossi A., Rovai M. (1999), "La valorizzazione dei prodotti tipici. Un'analisi secondo l'approccio di network", Rivista di Economia Agraria, LIV, n.3, settembre, pp.369-398 Segre G. (2003), "DOC, exit e innovazione. Diritti di proprietà nel distretto culturale del vino delle Langhe", Sviluppo Locale, X, 22(1/2003), pp.24-48 Sylvander B. (1995), "Origine géographique et qualité des produits: approche économique", Revue de Droit Rurale, n.237, novembre, pp.465-473 Sylvander B. (1995), "Conventions de qualité, marchés et institutions: le cas des Produits de Qualité Specifique", in: Nicolas F., Valceschini E. (Eds.), "Agro-alimentaire: une économie de la qualité", Economica, Paris pp.167-183 Sylvander B, Isla A., Wallet F. "Under what conditions Geographical Indications protection schemes can be considered as public goods for sustainable development?", In: Torre A. Traversac J-B. (Eds.), Territorial Governance. Local Development, Rural Areas and Agrofood Systems, Physica Verlag, Heidelberg Thiedig F., Sylvander B. (2000), "Welcome to the club? An Economical Approach to Geographical Indications in the European Union", Agrarwirtschaft 49, Heft 12, pp.428-437 Torre A. (2002), "Les AOC sont-elles des clubs ? Réflexions sur les conditions de l'action collective localisée, entre coopération et règles formelles", Revue d'économie industrielle, (100) 3e trimestre, pp. 39-62 anche Torre, pur definendoli beni club, considera le IG protette con problemi di congestione Tregear A., Gorton M. (2009), "The challenges of sharing: brands as club goods", European Journal of Marketing, 43(5), pp.826-842 Van de Kop P., Sautier D., Gerz A. (Eds.) (2006), "Origin-based products. Lessons for pro-poor market development", Royal Tropical Institute and CIRAD, KIT Bulletin n.372 Zago A., Pick D. (2002), "A welfare analysis of European products with geographical indications and products with designations of origin", in: Krissoff B., Bowman M., Caswell J.A. (Eds.), "Global Food Trade and Consumer Demand for Quality", Kluwer Academic Press, New York, pp.229-243 Zago A., Pick D. (2004), "Labeling Policies in Food Markets: Private Incentives, Public Intervention, and Welfare effects", Journal of Agricultural and Resources Economics, 29(1),pp.150-165
Allaire G., Casabianca F., Thévenod-Mottet E. (2011), "Geographical origin: A complex feature of agro-food products", in: Barham E., Sylvander B. (Eds.), "Labels of origin for food. Local development, global recognition", CABI International, Cambridge (USA), pp.1-12
Amilien V., Holt G. (Ed.), (2007), "From local food to localised food", Anthropology of Food, S2, mars, special issue Augustin-Jean L., Ilbert H., Saavedra-Rivano N. (Eds.) (2012), “Geographical indications and international agricultural trade. The Challenge for Asia”, Palgrave MacMillan, New York Barham E., Sylvander B. (Eds.) (2011), "Labels of origin for food. Local development, global recognition", CABI Publishing, Washington Barjolle, D., Sylvander, B. (2002). Some Factors of Success for “Origin Labelled Products” in Agro-Food Suppply Chains in Europe: Market, Internal Resources and Institutions. Économies et Sociétés, nº 25, 9-10: 1441-1461. Becker T. (2009), "European Food Quality Policy: The Importance of Geographical Indications, Organic Certification and Food Quality Assurance Schemes in European Countries", International Law and Trade Policy, 10(1), pp.111-130 Blakeney M., Coulet T., Mengistie G., Tonye Mahop M. (Eds.) (2012), "Extending the Protection of Geographical Indications. Case Studies of Agricultural Products in Africa", Routledge, New York Boccaletti S., Moro D. (1993), "La difesa delle produzioni agroalimentari tradizionali nella CEE", Rivista di Politica Agraria. n.2, pp.39-46 Bouamra-Mechemache Z., Chaaban J. (2010), "Determinants of Adoption of Protected Designation of Origin Label: Evidence from the French Brie Cheese Industry", Journal of Agricultural Economics, 61(2), pp.225–239 Bouamra-Mechemache Z., Chaaban J. (2010), "Protected Designation of Origin Revisited", Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization vol.8 Bowen S. (2010), “Development from Within? The Potential for Geographical Indications in the Global South”, The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 13(2), March, pp.231-252 Bowen S., Mutersbaugh T. (2014), "Local or localized? Exploring the contributions of Franco-Mediterranean agrifood theory to alternative food research", Agriculture and Human Values, 31, pp.201–213 Carbone A. (2003), "The role of designation of origin in the italian food system", in: Gatti S., Giraud-Héraud E., Mili S. (Eds.) "Wine in the old world. New risks and opportunities", Franco Angeli, Milano, pp.29-39 Delfosse C. (Ed.) (2011), "La Mode du terroir et les produits alimentaires", Les Indes des Savants, Paris Giovannucci D., Barham E., Pirog R. (2010), “Defining and Marketing "Local" Foods: Geographical Indications for US Products”, The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 13(2), March, pp.94-120 Giovannucci D. Josling T., Kerr W., O'Connor B., Yeung M.T. (2009), "Guide to Geographical Indications. Linking products and their origin", International Trade Centre, Geneve Gonzalez-Diaz M., Raynaud E. (2007), "La gouvernance de la qualité des produits", Economie Rurale, "Enjeux Internationaux et Institutionnels des signes de qualité et d'origine", n.299, mai-juin, pp.42-57 Josling T. (2006), “The War on Terroir: Geographical Indications as a Transatlantic Trade Conflit”, paper presented as the Presidential Address to the AES Annual Meeting in Paris, march 30th Lucatelli S. (2000), “Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications in OECD Member Countries: Economic and Legal Implications”, OCSE, COM/AGR/APM/TD/WP(2000)15/FINAL december Marette S. (2009), "Can Foreign Producers Benefit from Geographical Indications under the New European Regulation?", International Law and Trade Policy, 10(1), pp.65-76 Marie-Vivien D. (2010), “The Role of the State in the Protection of Geographical Indications: From Disengagement in France/Europe to Significant Involvement in India”, The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 13(2), March, pp.121-147 Montagnon C. (Ed.), "Coffee: terroirs and qualities", Editions Quae, Versailles Nomisma (2000), “Prodotti tipici e sviluppo locale. Il ruolo delle produzioni di qualità nel futuro dell’agricoltura italiana”, VIII Rapporto Nomisma sull’agricoltura italiana, Milano, Nomisma, Il Sole 24ore Raustiala K., Munzer S.R: (2007), "The Global Struggle over Geographic Indications", The European Journal of International Law, 18(2), pp.337−365 Rewa K., Jagbir R. (2015), "Geographical Indications: a tool for Indian traditional food industry", Journal of Progressive Agriculture, 6(2) Romano D., Rocchi B. (A cura di), “Tipicamente buono. Prodotti tipici, percezioni di qualità lungo la filiera e possibilità di sviluppo del mercato”, Franco Angeli, Milano Sautier D., Biénabe E., Cerdan C. (2011), "Geographical indications in developing countries", in: Barham E., Sylvander B. (Eds.), "Labels of origin for food. Local development, global recognition", CABI International,-Cambridge (USA)-pp.138-153 Sylvander B., Lagrange L., Monticelli C. (2007), "Les signes officiels de qualité et d'origine européens. Quelle insertion dans une économie globalisée?", Economie Rurale, "Enjeux Internationaux et Institutionnels des signes de qualité et d'origine", n.299, mai-juin, pp.7-23 Teil G. (2010), “The French Wine "Appellations d'Origine Contrôlée" and the Virtues of Suspicion”, The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 13(2), March, pp.253- Tregear A. (2007), "Proximity and typicity: a typology of local food identities in the marketplace", in: Amilien V., Holt G. (Ed.), "From local food to localised food", Anthropology of Food, S2, mars, special issue Van Caenegem W., Cleary J. (Eds.) (2017), “The importance of Place: geographical indications as a tool for Local and Regional Development”, Springer Van der Meulen H. (2007), "A normative definition method for origin food products", in: Amilien V., Holt G. (Ed.), "From local food to localised food", Anthropology of Food, S2, mars, special issue Verbeke W., Roosen J. (2009), "Market Differentiation Potential of Country-of-origin, Quality and Traceability Labeling", International Law and Trade Policy, 10(1), pp.20-35 Vittori M. (2010), “The International Debate on Geographical Indications (GIs): The Point of View of the Global Coalition of GI Producers—oriGIn”, The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 13(2), March, pp.304-314 Yeung M.T., Kerr W.A. (2011), "Are Geographical Indications a Wise Strategy for Developing Country Farmers? Greenfields, Clawbacks and Monopoly Rents", Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 353–367
Barham E. (Ed.) (2010), "American Origin Products (AOPs): Protecting a Legacy", ORIGIN Barjolle D., Chappuis J.M., Sylvander B. (1998), "From Individual competitiveness to collective effectiveness: a study on cheese with Protected Designations of Origin", 59th EAAE Seminar, Toulouse Barjolle D., Sylvander B. (2000), "Some factors of success for Origin Labelled Products in Agri-Food supply chains in Europe: market, internal resources and institutions", in: Sylvander B., Barjolle D., Arfini F. (Eds), "The socio-economics of Origin Labelled Products in Agri-Food Supply Chains: Spatial, Institutional and Co-ordination Aspects", INRA Actes et Communications, n.17-1, pp.45-71 Barjolle D., Philippe J. (2012), "Raising Rivals' Costs Strategy and Localised Agro-Food Systems in Europe", International Journal of Food System Dynamics, 3(1), pp.11-21 Belletti G., Marescotti A. (2011), “Evaluating the effects of protecting Geographical Indications: scientific context and case studies”, in: Belletti G., Deppeler A., Marescotti A., Paus M., Réviron S., Stamm H., Thévenod-Mottet E. (Ed.), "The effects of protecting Geographical Indications. Ways and Means of their evaluation", Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, Berne, Publication n.7 (07.11), pp.31-121 Belletti G., Burgassi T., Marescotti A., Scaramuzzi S. (2007), “The effects of certification costs on the success of a PDO/PGI”, in : Theuvsen L., Spiller A., Peupert M., Jahn G. (Eds), “Quality Management in Food Chains”, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen Belletti G., Marescotti A. (2006), GI social and economic issues, WorkPackage Final Research Report, EU Funded project "Strengthening International Research on Geographical Indications: from research foundation to consistent policy (SINERGI)", FP6-2003-SSP-3 - 006522 Belletti G., Marescotti A. (2007), “Costi e benefici delle denominazioni geografiche (DOP e IGP)", Agriregionieuropa, anno 3, numero 8, marzo Belletti G., Marescotti A. (2008), GI Strategies and policy recommendations, WorkPackage Research Report, EU Funded project "Strengthening International Research on Geographical Indications: from research foundation to consistent policy (SINERGI)", FP6-2003-SSP-3 – 006522 Belletti G., Marescotti A., Touzard J.M. (2015), "Geographical Indications, Public Goods and Sustainable Development: The roles of actors' strategies and public policies", World Development, doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2015.05.004 Belletti G., Burgassi T., Marescotti A. (2008), "Il ruolo delle denominazioni geografiche per la sostenibilità delle filiere zootecniche di qualità", Agriregionieuropa, anno 4, n.13, pp.13-16 Belletti G., Marescotti A. (2009), "Supporting local qualification processes of Origin products in the perspective of sustainability: legitimacy and role of public policies", Colloque international UNESCO « Localiser les produits: une voie durable au service de la diversité naturelle et culturelle des Suds? », Paris les 9, 10 et 11 juin Belletti G., Burgassi T., Manco E., Marescotti A., Scaramuzzi S. (2007), “The impact of geographical indications (PDO and PGI) on the internationalisation process of agro- food products”, International Marketing and International Trade of Quality Food Products , 105th EAAE Seminar, University of Bologna (Italy), Bologna, 8-9 march Belletti B., Brazzini A., Marescotti A. (2014), "Collective rules and the use of protected geographical indications by firms", International Agricultural Policy, n.1, pp.11-20 Belletti G., Burgassi T., Manco E., Marescotti A., Pacciani A., Scaramuzzi S. (2007), “L’impiego delle Denominazioni Geografiche: i benefici per le imprese”, L’Informatore Agrario, n.2, pp.27-31 Belletti G., Burgassi T., Manco E., Marescotti A., Pacciani A., Scaramuzzi S. (2007), “I costi per l’ottenimento e l’impiego delle Denominazioni Geografiche”, L’Informatore Agrario, n.1, pp.31-35 Bérard L., Marchenay P. (1995), "Lieux, temps et preuves: la construction sociale des produits de terroir", Terrain. Carnets du Patrimoine ethnologique, n.24, pp.153-164 Bérard L., Beucherie O., Fauvet M., Marchenay P., Monticelli C. (2000), "Historical, cultural and environmental factors in the delimitation of PGI geographical areas", in: Sylvander B., Barjolle D., Arfini F. (Eds), "The socio-economics of Origin Labelled Products in Agri-Food Supply Chains: Spatial, Institutional and Co-ordination Aspects", INRA Actes et Communications, n.17-2, pp.163-176 Binh V.T., Casabianca F. (2002), "La construction d'un cahier des charges de production, comme outil d'organisation des producteurs et d'insertion dans la filière: Une démarche del Recherche-Intervention participative des actions collectives", SYAL Colloquium “Les systèmes agroalimentaires localisés: produits, entreprises et dynamiques locales” Montpellier, France 16-18 octobre Blakeney L.M. (2011), "The protection of Geographical Indications (GI): Generating Empirical Evidence at Country and Product Level to Support African ACP Country Engagement in the Doha Round Negotiation", HCL Consultants Bouamra-Mechemache Z., Chaaban J. (2010), "Is the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Policy Successful in Sustaining Rural Employment", International EAAE-SYAL Seminar – Spatial Dynamics in Agri-food Systems, Parme Bowen S., De Master K. (2011), "New rural livelihoods or museums of production? Quality food initiatives in practice", Journal of Rural Studies, n.27, pp.73-82 Bowen S. (2010), “Development from Within? 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