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General Texts - General - Theories - Food safety - Traceability - Animal welfare Quality standards - Theories (General) - Theories (food system) - Analysis - Case studies - International standards - Links
Update: 11-01-2017
General texts
General Allaire G., Boyer R. (Eds.), "La grande transformation de l'agriculture. Lectures conventionnalistes et régulationnistes" INRA, Paris Berni P., Begalli D. (a cura di) (1997), “I prodotti agroalimentari di qualità: organizzazione del sistema delle imprese”, Atti del XXXII Convegno di studi della SIDEA, Il Mulino, Bologna De Haen H. (2000), “Qualità e salubrità degli alimenti nel contesto della globalizzazione”, La Questione Agraria, n.2, pp.49-64 De Stefano F. (a cura di) (2000), "Qualità e valorizzazione nel mercato dei prodotti agroalimentari tipici", Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli Di Iacovo F., Moruzzo R. (a cura di) (2005), "La qualità degli alimenti di origine animale. Alla ricerca di un dialogo fra operatori di filiera e consumatori", Franco Angeli, Milano Gonzalez-Diaz M., Raynaud E. (2007), "La gouvernance de la qualité des produits", Economie Rurale, "Enjeux Internationaux et Institutionnels des signes de qualité et d'origine", n.299, mai-juin, pp.42-57 Harvey M., McMeekin M., Warde A. (Eds.) (2004), "Qualities of food", Manchester University Press, Manchester Higgins V. (2005), “Agricultural governance: globalization and the new politics of regulation”, Routledge Josling T., Roberts D., Orden D. (2004), “Food regulation and trade. Toward a safe and open global system”, Institute for International Economics, Washington DC, march Lien M.E., Nerlich B. (Eds.) (2004), “The Politics of Food”, Berg, Oxford Morgan K., Marsden T., Murdoch J. (2006), "Worlds of Food. Place, Power, and Provenance in the Food Chain", Oxford Geographical and Environmental Studies, Oxford University Press, Oxford Nicolas F., Valceschini E. (Eds.), Agro-alimentaire: une économie de la qualité, INRA-Economica, Paris Pacciani A., Belletti G., Marescotti A. (2001), “Problemi informativi, qualità e prodotti tipici. Approcci teorici diversi”, in: Fanfani R., Montresor E., Pecci (A cura di), “Il settore agroalimentare italiano e l’integrazione europea”, Franco Angeli, Milano, pp.86-115
Theories Akerlof G. (1970), "The markets for “lemons”: Quality, Uncertainty and the Market Mecanism", Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXXXIV, 3 Coestier B., Marette S. (2004), “Economie de la qualité”, La Découverte, Collection Repères, Paris Dubuisson-Quellier S., Neuville J.P. (Eds.) (2003), "Juger pour échanger. La construction sociale de l'accord sur la qualité dans une économie des jugements individuels". Collection Natures sociales, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris Eymard-Duvernay F. (1986), “La qualification des produits”, in: Salais R., Thévenot L. (a cura di), “Le travail: marchés, règles, conventions”, Parigi, INSEE-Economica Eymard-Duvernay F. (1993), “La négociation de la qualité”, Economie Rurale, n.217 Gomez P.Y. (1994), "Qualité et théorie des conventions", Economica, Paris Lancaster K. (1975), “Socially optimal product differentiation”, The American Economic Review, sept. pp.567-584 Nelson R.H. (1976), “The Economics of Honest Trade Practices”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 24 Fanfani R., Montresor E., Pecci (A cura di), “Il settore agroalimentare italiano e l’integrazione europea”, Franco Angeli, Milano, pp.86-115 Stiglitz J.E. (1987), “The Causes and the Consequences of the Dependence of Quality on Price”, Journal of Economic Literature, 25
Food safety Benozzo M. (2003), “La legislazione alimentare nel diritto comunitario: il regolamento (CE) n. 178/2002”, Osservatorio legislativo – Analisi e commenti Borghi P. (2005), "Le politiche comunitarie per la sicurezza alimentare", in: Goldoni P., Sirsi E. (A cura di), "Regole dell'agricoltura e regole del cibo", Atti del Convegno di Pisa, 7-8 luglio 2005. Edizioni Il Campano, Pisa, pp.83-100 Buckwell A. (2002), “Food Safety, food quality and the CAP”, EAAE Congress, Zaragoza, august Caiati G. (1999), “Economia e politica della sicurezza alimentare”, Rivista di Economia Agraria, LIV, n.4, dicembre, pp.565-600 De Stefano F. (2007), "Problematiche economico-sociali dei paesi avanzati: intervento pubblico sulla sicurezza alimentare", XLIV Convegno SIDEA, "Produzioni Agroalimentari tra rintracciabilità e sicurezza: analisi economiche e politiche di intervento", Taormina, 8-10 novembre Grazia C., Green R., Hammoudi A. (A cura di) (2008), "Qualità e sicurezza degli alimenti. Una rivoluzione nel cuore del sistema agroalimentare", Franco Angeli, Milano Henson S., Caswell J. (1999), “Food safety regulation: an overview of contemporary issues”, Food Policy, vol.24, pp.589-603 Martino G., Perugini C., Sediari T. (2006), "La sicurezza degli alimenti", Donzelli Editore, Roma Mattei A. (2004), “Le politiche di sicurezza alimentare dell'Unione Europea”, dispense del corso di Economia della cooperazione Internazionale e dello Sviluppo, n.7, Università La Sapienza, Roma Mazzocchi M. (2005), "Sicurezza alimentare, nutrizione e salute: tendenze recenti in Europa e negli Stati Uniti" AgriregioniEuropa, anno 1, n.3, dicembre Lien M.E., Nerlich B. (Eds.) (2004), "The politics of Food", Berg, Oxford Nestle M. (2002), “Food Politics”, University of California Press, Berkeley Padilla M. (1996), “Les politiques alimentaires", Edition Cujas, Paris
Traceability Dongo D. (2005), "Sicurezza alimentare e rintracciabilità. Manuale operativo", Federalimentare e San Paolo Imprese, I libri di Il Sole 24 ore - Agrisole, Milano Perito M.A., Giuca S., Macrì M.C. (2006), "La catena agroalimentare, il controllo delle filiere e la tracciabilità dei prodotti", in: Vieri S., Prestamburgo M., Marotta M. (A cura di), "L'agricoltura italiana. Sfide e prospettive di un settore vitale per l'economia della nazione", INEA. Stilgrafica, Roma, pp.459-481
Animal welfare Ara A., Pinducciu D., Vanni F. (2008), "L’atteggiamento dei consumatori e delle consumatrici italiane nei confronti del benessere animale", Laboratorio di Studi Rurali "Sismondi", Working Paper, n.2, 7 gennaio Bennet R.M. (1997), "Farm animal welfare and food policy", Food Policy, 22(4), pp.281-288 Burgess D., Hutchinson W.G. (2005), “Do People Value the welfare of Farm Animals?”, EuroChoice, 4(3), winter, pp.36-42 Henke R., Macrì M.C. (2005), "Il benessere degli animali nei nuovi obiettivi della PAC", in: Casini L. (A cura di), "Riforma della PAC e multifunzionalità: l'agricoltura tra nuove sfide e nuove opportunità", Rivista di Economia Agraria, Anno LX, n.2, giugno, pp.469-490 Macrì M.C. (2004), “Il benessere degli animali nel quadro dell'agricoltura multifunzionale”, in: Henke R. (a cura di), "Verso il riconoscimento di una agricoltura multifunzionale. Teorie, politiche, strumenti", INEA Studi & Ricerche, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane Roma pp.277-303 (cap.VII)
Quality standards
Theories (general) Farrell J., Saloner G. (1985), "Standardization, Compatibility, and Innovation", RAND Journal of Economics, 16(1), Spring, pp.70-83 Farrell J., Saloner G. (1986), "Installed Base and Compatibility: Innovation, Product Preannouncement, and Predation", American Economc Review, 76(5), December, pp.940-955 Farrell J., Saloner G. (1988), "Coordination through Committees and Markets", RAND Journal of Economics, 19(2), Summer, pp.235-252 Holler M., Thisse J.F. (1996), "The economics of standardization: introduction and overview", European Journal of Political Economy, vol.12, pp.177-182 Katz M., Shapiro C. (1985), "Network Externalities, Competition and Compatibility", American Economic Review, 75(3), June, pp.424-440 Kateriz M., Shapiro C. (1986), "Technology Adoption in the Presence of Network Externalities", Journal of Political Economy, n.94, pp.822-841 Matutes C., Regibeau P. (1996), "A selective review of the economics of standardization - Entry deterrence, technological progress and international competition", European Journal of Political Economy, vol.12, pp.183-209
Theories (food system) Allaire G. (2005), "Des secteurs aux normes. Les "peurs alimentaires" et la Régulation du "modèle anthropogénétique"", Economie et Société, Série AG (Systèmes agroalimentaires), n.27, pp.939-954 Busch L. (2000), "The moral economy of grades and standards", Journal of Rural Studies, 16, pp.273-283 Clapp J. (2009), "Corporate interests in US Food Aid Policy: global implications of resistance to reform", in: Clapp J., Fuchs D. (Eds.) (2009), "Corporate power in global agrifood governance", The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachussets, pp.125-152 Cochoy F. (1998), "Another discipline for the market economy: marketing as a performative knowledge and know-how for capitalism", in: Callon M., "The Locus of the Markets", Blackwell Oxford Cochoy F.,. Laurens P., De Terssac G. (Eds) (2001), "Organisation et qualité", Sciences de la société, 46, février Creyssel P. (1991), "Agro-alimentaire, pour une stratégie de normalisation", Enjeux, 113, AFNOR, Paris Foray D. (1993), "Standardisation et concurrence: des relations ambivalentes", Revue d'Economie industrielle, n.63, pp.84-101 Fuchs D., Kalfagianni A., Arentsen M. (2009), "Retail power, private standards, and sustainability in the Global Food System", in: Clapp J., Fuchs D. (Eds.) (2009), "Corporate power in global agrifood governance", The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachussets, pp.29-60 Gereffi G., Humphrey J., Sturgeon T. (2005), "The governance of global value chains", Review of International Political Economy, 12(1), February pp.78–104 Giacomini C., Mancini M.C. (2006), "Possibili effetti sul mercato dei prodotti agro-alimentari dell'imposizione di nuovi standard di certificazione da parte della GDO", Economia Agro-Alimentare, n.1, pp.59-78 Giovannucci D., Ponte S. (2005), "Standards as a new form of social contract? Sustainability initiatives in the coffee industry", Food Policy, n.30, pp.284-301 Grazia C., Green R., Hammoudi A. (A cura di) (2008), "Qualità e sicurezza degli alimenti. Una rivoluzione nel cuore del sistema agroalimentare", Franco Angeli, Milano Jukes D. (2000), "The role of science in international food standards", Food Control, n.11, pp.181-194 Lecraw D. (1984), "Some economic effects of standards", Applied Economics, vol.16 Murdoch J., Miele M. (1999), "'Back to nature': Changing worlds of production in the food sector", Sociologia Ruralis, 39(4), pp.465-483 Mutersbaugh T. (2005), "Fighting standards with standards: harmonization, rents, and social accouintability in certified agrofood networks", Environment and Planning vol.37, pp.2033-2051 Mutersbaugh T. (2005), "Just-in-space: Certified rural products, labor of quality, and regulatory spaces", Journal of Rural Studies, n.21, pp.389-402 Mutersbaugh T., Klooster D., Renard M.C., Taylor P. (2005), "Certifying rural spaces: Quality-Certified Products and Rural Governance. Editorial", Journal of Rural Studies, n.21, pp.381-388 Noltagriea S., Raub M.L. (2006), "Food quality standards in equilibrium models: a discussion of current modeling approaches", Contributed paper prepared for presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, August 12-18 Sage C. (2006), "La qualità nelle reti alternative di produzione alimentare: convenzioni, normative, governance", in: Cavazzani A., Gaudio G., Sivini S. (A cura di),"Politiche, governance e innovazione per le aree rurali", INEA Studi e Ricerche. Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, pp.491-504 Thévenot L. (1996), "La normalisation dans les relations économiques", in: Casabianca F., Valceschini E. (Eds.), "La qualité dans l'agro-alimentaire: émergence d'un champ de recherches", INRA-SAD Paris, pp.70-75 Thilmany D.D., Barrett C.B. (1997), "Regulatory Barriers in an Integrating World Food Market", Review of Agricultural Economics, 19(1), pp.91-107
Analysis Arfini F., Mancini M.C. "British Retail Consortium (BRC) Standard: a new challenge for firms involved in the Food Chain. Analysis of economic and managerial aspects", in: Schiefer G., Rickert U. (Eds.), "Quality assurance, risk management and Environmental control in agriculture and food supply networks", ILB. Proceedings of the 82nd Seminar of the EAAE. Vol.A, pp.23-31 Bain C., Deaton B., Busch L. (2005), “Agricultural and Food Standards,” In: Higgins V., Lawrence G. (Eds.) ”Agricultural Governance”, Routledge, Boston Banca Mondiale (2005), “Food safety and agricultural health standards: challenges and opportunities for developing countries exports”, Poverty Reduction & Economic Management Trade Unit and Agriculture and Rural Development Report, Report No. 31207, january, 10 Balsevich F., Berdegue J.A., Flores L., Mainville D., Reardon T. (2003), “Supermarkets and Produce Quality and Safety Standards in Latin America,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 85 (5), December, pp.1147-1154 Bingen J., Busch L. (Eds.) (2006), "Agricultural Standards: The Shape of the Global Food and Fiber System", Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Bonny D. (1994), "La standardisation technologique en agriculture: formes, origine et perspectives à partir du cas francais", Economie Appliquée, vol.XLVI - n.1, pp.75-100 Bourdieu J., Bruegel M., Stanziani A. (Eds.) (2004), "Nomenclatures et classifications: approches historiques, enjeux économiques", INRA Actes et Communications, n.21, novembre Bowbrick P. (1990), "Justifications for compulsory minimum standards", British Food Journal, vol.92 - n.2 Busch L., Thiagarajan D., Hatanaka M., Bain C., Flores L.G., Frahm M. (2005), “The Relationship of Third-Party Certification (TPC) to Sanitary/Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures and the International Agri-Food Trade: Final Report”, RAISE SPS Global Analytical Report #9, December 2005 - Prepared for USAID under RAISE Task Order 14, "Assistance for Trade Capacity Building in Relation to the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures" Busch L. (1997), “Grades and Standards in the Social Construction of Safe Food”, Invited paper presented at a conference on the Social Construction of Safe Food, Trondheim, Norway Busch L., Bain C. (2004), “New! Improved? The Transformation of the Global Agrifood System.” Rural Sociology. 69(3), pp.321-346 Busch L. (2004), “The Social Construction of Food Safety.” in Lien M. E. , Nerlich B. (Eds.) (2004), “The Politics of Food”, Berg, Oxford, pp.163-178 Busch, L., R. Bingen J., Harris C., Reardon T.. "Standards and Appellations." Invited paper presented at the Salone del Gusto, Torino, Italy, November 9, 1998. Calderini M., Giannaccari A., Granieri M. 2005? "Standard, proprietà intellettuale e logica antitrust nell'industria dell'informazione", Il Mulino, Bologna Codron, J.-M., J.A. Sterns, and T. Reardon. 2003. Strategic Choices in Produce Marketing: Issues of Compatible Use and Exclusion Costs," Journal of Food Distribution Research, 33(3) November: 1-13 Codron J-M., Sterns P., Busch L. (2000), "Questions de Normes Agro-Alimentaires dans le Contexte de Globalisation, Cahiers d'Economie et Sociologie Rurales, n.55-56, pp.45-51 David P.A., Greenstein S. (1990), "The economics of compatibility standards: an introduction to recent research", Economic of innovation and new technology, vol.1, pp.1-2 De Sainte Marie C., Valceschini E. (1996), "Les représentations de la qualité à travers les dispositifs juridiques", in: Casabianca F., Valceschini E. (Eds.), "La qualité dans l'agro-alimentaire: émergence d'un champ de recherches", INRA-SAD, Paris, pp.26-33 ETEPS Net (2006), "Economics of food quality assurance and certification schemes managed within an integrated supply chain", Final Report, EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL JRC JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (Seville) Sustainability in Agriculture, Food and Health Frohberg K., Grote U., Winter E. (2006), "EU Food Safety Standards, Traceability and Other Regulations: A Growing Trade Barrier to Developing Countries’ Exports?", Contributed paper prepared for presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, August 12-18 Fulponi L. (2006), "Private voluntary standards in the food system: The perspective of major food retailers in OECD countries", Food Policy, n.31 pp.1-13 Gardner B. (2003), "U.S. Food Quality Standards: Fix for Market Failure or Costly Anachronism?", American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 85(3), August, pp.725-730 Giovannucci D. (2008), "Value-adding standards in the North-American Food Standards. Trade opportunities in certified products for developing countries", FAO Commodities and Trade Technical Papers, n.11 Gereffi G., Humphrey J., Sturgeon T. (2005), "The governance of global value chains", Review of International Political Economy, 12(1), February pp.78–104 Hatanaka M., Bain C., Busch L. (2005), "Third-party certifcation in the global agrifood system", Food Policy, n.30, pp.354-369 Henson S., Reardon T. (2005), "Private agri-food standards: Implications for food policy and the agri-food system", Food Policy, n.30, pp.241-253 Henson S., Jaffee S. (2006), "A Strategic Perspective on the Impact of Food Safety Standards on Developing Countries", Contributed paper prepared for presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, August 12-18 Hobbs J.E., Kerr W.A. (2006), "Consumer information, labelling and international trade in agri-food products", Food Policy, n.31, pp.78-89 Ireland J.D., Moller A. (2000), "Review of International Food Classification and Description", Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, n.13, pp.529-538 Krieger S., Schiefer G. (2006), "Quality systems in the agri-food industry – implementation, cost, benefit and strategies", Contributed paper prepared for presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, August 12-18 Jacquet O. (2004), "La mise en place des Appellations d'Origine en Cote d-Or. Conflits d'intérets et enjeux collectifs", in: Bourdieu J., Bruegel M., Stanziani A. (Eds.), "Nomenclatures et classifications: approches historiques, enjeux économiques", INRA Actes et Communications, n.21, novembre, pp.143-154 Jahn J., Schramm M., Spiller A. (2005), "The Reliability of Certification: Quality Labels as a Consumer Policy Tool", Journal of Consumer Policy, n.28, spring, pp.53-73 Josling T., Roberts D., Orden D. (2004), "Food regulation and trade. Toward a safe and open global system", Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC, march Hatanaka M, Bain C., Busch L. (forthcoming), “Differentiated Standardization, Standardized Differentiation: the Complexity of the Global Agrifood System.” In T. Marsden and J. Murdoch (Eds.) Between the Local and the Global: Confronting Complexity in the Contemporary Food Sector. Maertens M., Swinnen J.F.M. (2006), "Standards as Barriers and Catalysts for Trade and Poverty Reduction", Contributed paper prepared for presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, August 12-18 Mahe L.P. (1997), “Environment and quality standards in the WTO: New protectionism in agricultural trade? A European perspective”, European Review of Agricultural Economics, n.24, pp.480-503 Marsden T.K., Arce A. (1995), "Constructing quality: emerging food networks in the rural transition", Environment and Planning, 27(8), pp.1261-1279 Ménard C., Valceschini E. (2005), "New institutions for governing the agri-food industry", European Review of Agricultural Economics, 32(3) pp. 421–440 Nadvi K., Valtring F. (2002), "Making Sense of Global Standards", Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden der Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg, INEF Report Ponte S., Gibbon P. (2005), "Quality standards, conventions and the governance of global value chains", Economy and Society, 34(1), february, pp.1-31 Reardon T., Codron J.M., Bush L., Bingen J., Harris C. (2001), "Global change in agrifood grades and standards: agribusiness strategic response in developing countries", International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 2(3) Salvatici L. (1998), "I benefici e i costi di una strategia di regolamentazione della qualità del comparto agro-alimentare", in: CNEL, Rapporto 1997 sull'agricoltura", Documenti CNEL, Roma, pp.275-312 Sri RAM Khanna (2003), "Food Standards and Safety in a Globalised World: The Impact of Wto and Codex", New Century Publications Stanziani A. (2004), "Classifications des produits, normes et coordinations des marchés. Le cas du vin en France au XIXe siècle", in: Bourdieu J., Bruegel M., Stanziani A. (Eds.), "Nomenclatures et classifications: approches historiques, enjeux économiques", INRA Actes et Communications, n.21, novembre, pp.121-142 Tanner J. (2004), "L'ordre du monde alimentaire et le pouvoir des classifications", in: Bourdieu J., Bruegel M., Stanziani A. (Eds.), "Nomenclatures et classifications: approches historiques, enjeux économiques", INRA Actes et Communications, n.21, novembre, pp.15-22 Thilmany D.D., Barrett C.B. (1997), "Regulatory Barriers in an Integrating World Food Market", Review of Agricultural Economics, 19(1) Thompson P.B. (2000), "Grades and standards in the context of international trade: Some ethical considerations", Cahier d'Economie et Sociologie Rurale, n.55-56, pp.53-70 (*) Valceschini E., Maze A., Torre A. (1995), "Le géant, l'aveugle et l'expert. Le role des rapports dans la définition de standards de référence pour le secteur agro-alimentaire", Revue d'Economie Industrielle n.73, 3° trimestre, pp.97-110 Vuylsteke A., Collet E., Van Huylenbroeck G., Mormont M. (2003), "Exclusion of farmers as a consequence of quality certification and standardisation", 83rd EAAE Seminar, "Food Quality Products in the Advent of the 21st Century:Production, Demand and Public Policy", Chania, Greece, 4th-7th Septmeber, 2003 Wilkinsson J. 2002 "The final foods industry within the changing face of the global agro-food system", Sociologia Ruralis, 42(4), October
Case-studies Amilien V., Hegnes A. (2002), "The cultural smell of fermented fish", SYAL Colloquium “Les systèmes agroalimentaires localisés: produits, entreprises et dynamiques locales”, Montpellier, France, 16-18 octobre Aust-Sterns P., Reardon T. (2002), “Determinants and Effects of Institutional Change: A Case Study of Dry Bean Grades and Standards,” Journal of Economic Issues, (36)1, pp. 1-16 Bain C., Busch L. (2004), “Standards and Strategies in the Michigan Blueberry Industry”, East Lansing, MI: Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, Research Report 585 Berdegué J.A., Balsevich F., Flores L., Reardon T. (2005), "Central American supermarkets’ private standards of quality and safety in procurement of fresh fruits and vegetables", Food Policy, n.30, pp.254-269 Charlier C. (2003), "La traçabilité comme un standard de production", Economie Rurale, n.275, mai-juin pp. Codron J.M., Giraud-Héraud E., Soler L.G. (2005), "Minimum quality standards, premium private labels, and European meat and fresh produce retailing", Food Policy, 30 pp.270-283 Elizabeth M.M.Q. Farina A., Graciela E. Gutman B,C, Lavarello P.J., Nunes R., Reardon T. (2005), "Private and public milk standards in Argentina and Brazil", Food Policy, n.30, pp.302-315 Gomez Trovar L., Martin L., Gomez Gruz M.A., Mutersbaugh T. (2005), "Certified organic agriculture in Mexico: Market connections and certification practices in large and small producers", Journal of Rural Studies, n.21, pp.461-474 Gonzalez A.A., Nigh R. (2005), "Smallholder participation and certification in organic farm products in Mexico", Journal of Rural Studies, n.21, pp.449-460 Henson S., Masakure O., Boselie D. (2005), "Private food safety and quality standards for fresh produce exporters: The case of Hortico Agrisystems, Zimbabwe", Food Policy, n.30, pp.371-384 Kleinwechter U., Grethe H. (2006), "The adoption of the Eurepgap standard by mango exporters in Piura, Peru", Contributed paper prepared for presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, August 12-18 Lombardi P., Spadoni R., Canavari M. (2011), "Impatti dell'adozione del BRC Global Standard for Food Safety nelle imprese agroalimentari italiane", Economia Agro-alimentare, n.3, pp.81-106 Maertens M. (2006), "Trade, Food Standards and Poverty: The Case of High-Value Vegetable Exports from Senegal", Contributed paper prepared for presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, August 12-18 Malorgio G., Camanzi L., Grazia C.,(2007),"Effectiveness of European Appellations of Origin on the International wine market", Contributed Paper prepared for presentation at the 105th EAAE Seminar ‘International Marketing and International Trade of Quality Food Products’, Bologna (I), march Malorgio G., Grazia C. (2007),"Strategie produttive e commerciali della sicurezza alimentare: lo standard GlobalGap e il ruolo delle Organizzazioni di Produttori", XLIV Convegno SIDEA, "Produzioni Agroalimentari tra rintracciabilità e sicurezza: analisi economiche e politiche di intervento", Taormina, 8-10 novembre Morris C., Young C. (2000), "'Seed to shelf', 'teat to table', 'barley to beer' and 'womb to tomb': discourses of food quality and quality assurance schemes in the UK", Journal of Rural Studies, n.16, pp.103-115 Palladino G., Setti M. (2005), "Standard ambientali ed ecocondizionalità in agricoltura: un'analisi comparata dei criteri di gestione obbligatori", in: Casini L. (A cura di), "Riforma della PAC e multifunzionalità: l'agricoltura tra nuove sfide e nuove opportunità", Rivista di Economia Agraria, Anno LX, n.2, giugno, pp.223-242 Reardon T., Farina E. (2002), "The rise of food private and safety standards: illustrations from Brazil", International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 4, pp.413-421 Renard M.C. (2005), "Quality certification, regulation and power in fair trade", Journal of Rural Studies, n.21, pp.419-431 Salazar M., Busch L. (2001), “Standards and Strategies in the Michigan Potato Industry”, East Lansing: Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, Research Report 576 Scott S, Vandergeest P., Young M. (2009), "Certification standards and the Governance fo Green Food in Southeast Asia", in: Clapp J., Fuchs D. (Eds.) (2009), "Corporate power in global agrifood governance", The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachussets, pp.61-92 Sylvander B. (1997), "Le role de la certification dans les changements de régime de coordination: l'agriculture biologique, du réseau à l'industrie", Revue d'Economie Industrielle, n.80, 2° trimestre, pp.47-66 Sylvander B., Biencourt O. (2000), "La négociation des normes sur les produits animaux: Une approche procédurale sur le cas du lait cru", Cahier d'Economie et Sociologie Rurale, n.55-56, pp.71-90 Sylvander B., Biencourt O. (2006), "The procedural working out of agreements, the case of raw milk cheesses", in: Bingen J., Busch L. 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Links a) International Organizations
UNECE - United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe (Agricultural Standards) ISO International Organization For Quality
b) Public bodies Food Standards Agency (United Kingdom) Food quality standards (USDA—USA) UNI—Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione
c) Private standards Euro-Retailer Produce Working Group (EUREP) IFS International Food Standard
d) Research Institutes
for the Study of Standards in Society
(Michigan University) Standards and Trade Development Facility
e) Control and Certification enterprises AQA (Agenzia per la Garanzia della Qualità in Agricoltura)
f) Food Tasters Organizzazione Nazionale Assaggiatori Salumi Organizzazione Nazionale Assaggiatori Formaggio Organizzazione Nazionale Assaggiatori di Vino Organizzazione Nazionale Assaggiatori Frutta Organizzazione Nazionale Assaggiatori Olio di Oliva Istituto Internazionale Assaggiatori Caffè